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Project Workshop

1. 2024  American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting, April 16th and 17th, Honolulu, Hawaii

The team will organize a training at the 2024 AAG Annual Meeting by leveraging another NSF funded conference program . We will provide scholarship and travel award to the students who attend the training session. 

The workshop consists of keynote presentations (from Dr. Michael Goodchild and Dr. Joseph Kerski), panel discussion, student paper presentation, and CyberTraining session by leveraging the CyberTraining project ( funded by the National Science Foundation (Award No. 2321069).

Topics covered in the workshop: 

- Geospatial Software Usability: From Industry’s Perspective to Users’ Practice

- GeoEthics 

- Social sensing 

- High-performance geospatial software development 

- Geospatial artificial intelligence 

Registration form will be available soon. 

2. The 49th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Application Workshop

Project team will organize a training session at the 49th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Application Workshop.  Workshop brings together federal, state, and local mitigation and emergency management officials and planning professionals; representatives of nonprofit, private sector, and humanitarian organizations; hazards and disaster researchers; and others dedicated to alleviating the impacts of disasters. The project will provide travel grant to the selected applicants. 

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out the Google Form

Training Topics:   

- Introduces Linux commands commonly used for management of files and directories, I/O redirection, process control and text processing with High Performance Computing systems.
- Learn topics and packages for scientific programming in Python via Jupyter Notebook. 
- Learn disaster data types and processing techniques. 
- Learn the essential concepts of CyberGIS and how to apply CyberGIS to disaster management applications. 

Application deadline: March 30th, 2024

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