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Computational Module



Introduces fundamental concepts and skills of Cyberinfrastructure (CI) and High Performance Computing (HPC) to lower the barrier to becoming CI users in disaster management research. The module will cover the key topics of CI and HPC with hands-on sessions.

  1. Introduces Linux commands commonly used for management of files and directories, I/O redirection, process control and text processing with HPC systems.

  2. Learn how to use NSF ACCESS and CyberGISX clusters covering hardware, getting connected, file systems, computing and development environment, and batch processing.

  3. Learn several topics and packages for scientific programming in Python via Jupyter notebook.

  4. Learn basic topics in CUDA programming on NVIDIA GPUs including CUDA architecture; basic language usage of CUDA C/C++; and writing and executing CUDA code.

The notebooks will be available soon to support our training session. 

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